Our Epicerie concept is a healthy fast food takeaway, open early to serve breakfast. It also seats 70+ for touch-down dining throughout the day and has direct access to the garden for al fresco dining in warmer months.
We designed a variety of seating including banquettes, cosy booths and high tables. We used curved back chairs and bespoke table tops with ergonomic radiused corners to provide comfortable access and give L’epicerie its own distinct character. The glazed tiles along with hand-written chalk menu boards contribute to the traditional deli feel. Subtle vegetable graphics bring interest to painted walls.
As with all areas of this project, careful material choices using textural contrast enabled us to provide accessible and appreciable luxury while sparing the budget elsewhere. Here the rich combination of handmade glazed tiles, thick wool upholstery, black quartz and brass lights is used alongside simple, inexpensive finishes such as lino, laminate woods and painted walls.